Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Arrival in Dayton-- Where the Hell Am I??

I didn’t write about Dayton the first day I arrived.  I couldn’t.  My first impressions of my new neighborhood were so negative that I needed to sit on it for another day before I wrote anything.   It’s not like I didn’t do my research before moving here.  I did.  I read everything I could get my hands on.  I moved here with the understanding that my new neighborhood is poor, undereducated, underemployed, and overwhelmingly white.  But as I turned down my street for the first time, the decaying sidewalks and dilapidated homes made me apprehensive.  Neighbors turned their heads to watch me as a drove down the street.  This is a neighborhood full of locals and I, with my California tan, white-rimmed sunglasses, and Cali license plates on my car, immediately let everybody know that I’m not from around these parts.   The porch dwellers stared blankly as I hopped out of my car to check out the house.  Now, after living many years in the South, I have seen my fair share of porch-sitters.  I am no stranger to seeing a couch on the porch.  But these folks have 5-piece living room sets on their front porches.   It’s on another level.  As I pull up to the house, I park behind a truck covered in right-wing and moderately racist political bumper stickers.   

Sayings like, “Zoo Has African Lion, White House Has Lying African” and “Danger! Right Wing Extremist On Board” make me wonder if I will be safe in this house, in this neighborhood.  And I could swear I saw the same kids who were “stalking” the Google van in those Google Earth images.  My thoughts?  To quote GOB Bluth from Arrested Development, “I’ve made a huge mistake.”

I went back to the hotel that night and frantically looked for a new place to live.  I wasn’t set to sign the lease until the next morning.  Yes, I would lose my deposit, but my personal safety is most important.  My mom and I both searched the internet and newspaper for another house, but to no avail.  I am going to sign the lease in the morning and hold my breath….

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