Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hey, NOI!! Stop Playin'. Y'all are half-breeds just like me!!

My neighbor ignores me and I really want to know why.

I mean, yes I know he's a member of the Nation of Islam. Yes, I know that they believe white people were created or "bred" from black people by a black scientist named Yakub as some sort of twisted social experiment, which surely that makes me a half-devil. Okay, so that's weird but hey, this is American and its your right to be weird. But this dude next door won't even acknowledge my presence-- won't even look my direction.

When I lived in D.C. I lived near a NOI mosque and no matter how many times I said hi to folks walking in and out of there, none of them would acknowledge me either. Okay. Fine.

Here's the question: Have any of you NOI brothers ever SEEN Louis Farrakhan?? Elijah Muhammad? They are light skinned just like me!! Farrakan got "Indian hair" and ya'll know it. And the founder of the religion-- Wallace D. Fard?? He looks like Jelly Roll Morton-- like a typical New Orleans Seventh Ward Creole. So how does that guy get to be Allah incarnate? If white people are subhuman devils and I, as a half-white devil can't even get a hello from those negroes, how come Fard, Muhammad, and Farrakhan get all the love?

If ever one of those NOI brothers would stop and talk to me, I would ask 'em. (Including you, neighbor dude.)